A Comprehensive Survey of Benchmarks for Automated Improvement of Software's Non-Functional Properties

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Showing 425 of 425 entries.
Link Title Source Venue/Issue Venue Type/Issue Year
DOI A Backend Tool for the Integration of Memory Optimizations into Embedded Software Scopus (memory) FDL Conference 2019
DOI A bitmask-based code compression technique for embedded systems Scopus (other) ICCAD Conference 2006
DOI A brief review on multi-objective software refactoring and a new method for its recommendation Google24 (other), Google24 (time) Springer ACME Journal 2021
DOI Abstract: Memory and Parallelism Exploration Using the LULESH Proxy Application IEEE (time) SC Other 2012
DOI A Case Study of Memory Optimization for Migration of a Plasmonics Simulation Application to SX-ACE IEEE (memory) CANDAR Conference 2015
DOI Access Pattern Restructuring for Memory Energy IEEE (energy), IEEE (memory) IEEE TPDS Journal 2004
DOI Achieving High Instruction Cache Performance with an Optimizing Compiler Google (quality) ISCA Conference 1989
DOI A Cloud Based Super-Optimization Method to Parallelize the Sequential Code's Nested Loops IEEE (time) MCSoC Conference 2019
DOI A Code Generator for Energy-Efficient Wavefront Parallelization of Uniform Dependence Computations IEEE (energy), IEEE (memory) IEEE TPDS Journal 2018
DOI A comparison of empirical and model-driven optimization Google (other), Google (quality) PLDI Conference 2003
DOI A compiler-automated array compression scheme for optimizing memory intensive programs ACM (memory) ICS Conference 2010
DOI A compiler-based approach for dynamically managing scratch-pad memories in embedded systems IEEE (memory), IEEE (quality), Scopus (memory) IEEE TCAD Journal 2004
DOI A Compiler Based Leakage Reduction Technique by Power-Gating Functional Units in Embedded Microprocessors IEEE (other) VLSID Conference 2007
DOI A Compiler Optimization Algorithm for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors IEEE (memory) IEEE TPDS Journal 1998
DOI A comprehensive study of bloated dependencies in the Maven ecosystem Scopus (other) ESE Journal 2021
DOI A Cross-Layer Multicore Architecture to Tradeoff Program Accuracy and Resilience Overheads IEEE (quality), Scopus (quality) IEEE CAL Journal 2015
DOI ADAPT: Automated De-Coupled Adaptive Program Transformation IEEE (time) ICPP Conference 2000
DOI Adapting Multi-objectivized Software Configuration Tuning ACM24 (other), ACM24 (quality), ACM24 (time), Google24 (energy) IEEE TSE Journal 2024
DOI Adaptive Code Learning for Spark Configuration Tuning Google24 (quality), IEEE24 (other), IEEE24 (time) ICDE Conference 2022
DOI A Flexible Tradeoff Between Code Size and WCET Using a Dual Instruction Set Processor Scopus (other) SCOPES Workshop 2004
DOI A Framework for Effective Memory Optimization of High Performance Computing Applications IEEE (memory), IEEE (quality), Scopus (memory) HPCC Conference 2009
DOI A fuzzy genetic automatic refactoring approach to improve software maintainability and flexibility Manual Soft Computing Journal 2021
DOI A General-Purpose Framework for Genetic Improvement Scopus (energy), Scopus (memory), Manual PPSN Conference 2016
DOI A GPGPU compiler for memory optimization and parallelism management Google (memory) PLDI Conference 2010
DOI A Holistic Approach to Automatic Mixed-Precision Code Generation and Tuning for Affine Programs ACM24 (quality) PPoPP Conference 2024
DOI A Low-Footprint Java-to-Native Compilation Scheme Using Formal Methods Scopus (memory) CARDIS Conference 2006
DOI A Machine Learning Approach for Productive Data Locality Exploitation in Parallel Computing Systems IEEE (energy), IEEE (memory), IEEE (other), IEEE (time) CCGrid Conference 2019
DOI A Machine-Learning-Based Framework for Productive Locality Exploitation IEEE (memory), IEEE (other) IEEE TPDS Journal 2021
DOI A methodology correlating code optimizations with data memory accesses, execution time and energy consumption Manual SuperComputing Journal 2019
DOI A methodology for efficient code optimizations and memory management ACM (memory) CF Conference 2018
DOI A modular memory optimization for synchronous data-flow languages -- Application to arrays in a lustre compiler ACM (memory) LCTES Conference 2012
DOI URL AN5D: Automated stencil framework for high-degree temporal blocking on GPUs ArXiV (memory) ArXiV Other 2020
DOI An actionable performance profiler for optimizing the order of evaluations Scopus (quality) ISSTA Conference 2017
DOI Analysing and improving the performance of software code for Real Time Embedded systems IEEE (quality), IEEE (time) ICDCS Conference 2014
DOI Analysis and Optimization of Embedded Software Energy Consumption on the Source Code and Algorithm Level IEEE (energy), Scopus (energy) EM-Com Conference 2009
DOI Analysis of High-Level Address Code Transformations for Programmable Processors IEEE (memory) DATE Conference 2000
DOI Analyzing Optimization Techniques for Power Efficiency on Heterogeneous Platforms IEEE (energy) IPDPS Workshop 2013
DOI An approach based on a DSL + API for programming runtime adaptivity and autotuning concerns ACM (time) SAC Conference 2018
URL An Approach to Enhance Loop Performance for Multicluster VLIW DSP Processor IEEE (quality) ARCS Workshop 2014
DOI An Automated Tool for Analysis and Tuning of GPU-Accelerated Code in HPC Applications IEEE (time), Google24 (memory) IEEE TPDS Journal 2022
DOI An Automatic Compiler Optimizations Selection Framework for Embedded Applications IEEE (quality) ICESS Conference 2009
DOI An effective fusion and tile size model for optimizing image processing pipelines ACM (other) PPoPP Conference 2018
DOI An Efficient Compiler Technique for Code Size Reduction Using Reduced Bit-Width ISAs IEEE (other) DATE Conference 2002
DOI An Empirical Evaluation on the Effect of Refactoring Code Smells Mobile Applications Android with ASATs on Resource Usage Scopus24 (memory) IJASEIT Journal 2024
DOI An Empirical Investigation on the Effect of Code Smells on Resource Usage of Android Mobile Applications IEEE (memory), Scopus (memory), IEEE24 (memory), IEEE24 (other), IEEE24 (quality), Scopus24 (memory), Scopus24 (other), Scopus24 (quality) IEEE Access Journal 2021
DOI An empirical study of the performance impacts of Android code smells ACM (quality), Scopus (memory) MOBILESoft Conference 2016
DOI An Empirical Study on the Impact of Deep Parameters on Mobile App Energy Usage IEEE24 (energy), Scopus24 (energy) SANER Conference 2022
DOI An Empirical Study on the Impact of Refactoring on Quality Metrics in Android Applications Google24 (time) MobileSoft Conference 2021
DOI An Evaluation of Data-Parallel Compiler Support for Line-Sweep Applications Scopus (memory) PACT Conference 2002
DOI An Experience with Code-Size Optimization for Production iOS Mobile Applications IEEE (other), IEEE (quality), ACM24 (other), IEEE24 (other) CGO Conference 2021
DOI An Experimental Evaluation of Data Dependence Analysis Techniques IEEE (quality) IEEE TPDS Journal 2004
DOI An Implementation of LLVM Pass for Loop Parallelization Based on IR-Level Directives IEEE (energy), IEEE (quality) CANDAR Workshop 2018
DOI An Industrial Experience Report on Performance-Aware Refactoring on a Database-Centric Web Application ACM (quality) ASE Conference 2019
DOI An Inquiry into Machine Learning-based Automatic Configuration Tuning Services on Real-World Database Management Systems ACM24 (quality) VLDBE Journal 2021
DOI An integer programming framework for optimizing shared memory use on GPUs IEEE (memory) HiPC Conference 2010
DOI An integer programming framework for optimizing shared memory use on GPUs IEEE (memory) PACT Conference 2010
DOI An Intelligent Semi-Automatic Application Porting System for Application Accelerators ACM (memory) CF Workshop 2009
DOI An OpenMP Based Parallelization Compiler for C Applications IEEE (memory), Scopus (memory) BdCloud Conference 2018
DOI An optimization-based approach to lookup table program transformations Scopus (memory), Scopus (quality) JSEP Journal 2014
DOI An Optimized Tuning of Genetic Algorithm Parameters in Compiler Flag Selection Based on Compilation and Execution Duration Manual SocProS Conference 2011
DOI A Novel Technique for Orchestration of Compiler Optimization Functions Using Branch and Bound Strategy IEEE (quality), IEEE (time) IADCC Conference 2009
DOI An SMT based method for optimizing arithmetic computations in embedded software code Scopus (other) FMCAD Conference 2013
DOI An SSA-based algorithm for optimal speculative code motion under an execution profile ACM (other) PLDI Conference 2011
DOI Antipattern-based model refactoring for software performance improvement ACM (quality) QoSA Conference 2012
DOI A performance tuning methodology with compiler support Scopus (quality) SP Journal 2008
DOI API-Constrained Genetic Improvement Manual SSBSE Conference 2016
DOI The Application of Correctness Preserving Transformations to Software Maintenance Scopus (other) ICSM Conference 2000
DOI Applying genetic improvement to a genetic programming library in C++ Manual Soft Computing Journal 2019
DOI Applying Genetic Improvement to MiniSAT Manual SSBSE Conference 2013
DOI Approximate Oracles and Synergy in Software Energy Search Spaces Manual IEEE TSE Journal 2019
DOI A Probabilistic Framework for Compiler Optimization with Multithread Power-Gating Controls IEEE (energy) ICPP Workshop 2016
DOI Area and Power Reduction of Embedded DSP Systems using Instruction Compression and Re-configurable Encoding Scopus (energy) JSPS Journal 2006
DOI Area and Power Reduction of Embedded DSP Systems using Instruction Compression and Re-configurable Encoding Scopus (energy) ICCAD Conference 2001
DOI A robust steganography-based software watermarking Scopus (other) RACS Conference 2012
DOI Array Regrouping and Its Use in Compiling Data-Intensive Embedded Applications IEEE (energy), IEEE (memory), IEEE (time) IEEE TC Journal 2004
DOI A search for improved performance in regular expressions Manual GECCO Conference 2017
DOI A Software-Only Compression System for Trading-Offs between Performance and Code Size Scopus (memory), Scopus (other), Scopus (quality) SCOPES Workshop 2005
DOI A Source-Level Energy Optimization Framework for Mobile Applications Scopus (energy) SCAM Conference 2016
DOI Assisting non-specialist developers to build energy-efficient software ACM (energy) ICSE Other 2017
DOI A Study on the Efficiency Aspect of Data Race Detection -- A Compiler Optimization Level Perspective IEEE (memory), IEEE (other), IEEE (quality) QSIC Conference 2013
DOI A Synchronization Optimization Technique for OpenMP IEEE (quality) ICCRD Conference 2021
DOI A synthesis of memory mechanisms for distributed architectures Scopus (memory) ICS Conference 2001
DOI A systematic approach to parameter optimization and its application to flight schedule simulation software Google24 (memory), Scopus24 (other), Scopus24 (time) JoH Journal 2022
DOI A technique for the effective and automatic reuse of classical compiler optimizations on multithreaded code ACM (memory), ACM (quality) POPL Conference 2011
DOI ATM: Approximate Task Memoization in the Runtime System IEEE (time) IPDPS Conference 2017
DOI A tuning framework for software-managed memory hierarchies ACM (memory) PACT Conference 2008
DOI A Unified Framework for Optimizing Locality, Parallelism, and Communication in Out-of-Core Computations IEEE (memory) IEEE TPDS Journal 2000
DOI Automated Code Repair to Ensure Spatial Memory Safety IEEE24 (memory) ICSE Workshop 2021
DOI Automated compiler optimization of multiple vector loads/stores Scopus (quality) CF Conference 2016
DOI Automated empirical optimizations of software and the ATLAS project Google (memory), Google (other), Google (quality) Parallel Computing Journal 2001
DOI Automated empirical tuning of scientific codes for performance and power consumption ACM (energy), ACM (quality) HiPEAC Conference 2011
DOI Automated just-in-time compiler tuning Manual CGO Conference 2010
DOI Automated memory leak fixing on value-flow slices for C programs ACM (memory) SAC Conference 2016
DOI Automated refactoring for size reduction of CSS style sheets ACM (other) DocEng Conference 2014
DOI Automated Selection of Software Refactorings that Improve Performance Manual ICSOFT Conference 2018
DOI Automated software winnowing ACM (other), Scopus (other) SAC Conference 2015
DOI AutomaticAI: A hybrid approach for automatic artificial intelligence algorithm selection and hyperparameter tuning Scopus (time) ESWA Journal 2021
DOI Automatically Exploring Tradeoffs Between Software Output Fidelity and Energy Costs IEEE (energy), Scopus (energy) IEEE TSE Journal 2019
DOI Automatically Tuning Parallel and Parallelized Programs Scopus (quality) LCPC Workshop 2009
DOI Automatic Analysis for Managing and Optimizing Performance-Code Quality ACM (quality) SAW Workshop 2008
DOI Automatic Array Alignment in Parallel Matlab Scripts IEEE (time) IPPS/SPDP Conference 1999
DOI Automatic code overlay generation and partially redundant code fetch elimination Scopus (memory) ACM TACO Journal 2012
DOI Automatic compiler optimization on embedded software through k-means clustering ACM (other) MLCAD Workshop 2020
DOI Automatic creation of tile size selection models ACM (other) CGO Conference 2010
DOI Automatic C-to-CUDA Code Generation for Affine Programs Scopus (quality) CC Conference 2010
DOI Automatic Generation of OpenMP Directives and Its Application to Computational Fluid Dynamics Codes Scopus (memory), Scopus (quality) ISHPC Conference 2000
DOI Automatic generation of parallel C code for stencil applications written in MATLAB ACM (quality), ACM (time) PLDI Workshop 2016
DOI Automatic Improvement of Apache Spark Queries using Semantics-preserving Program Reduction ACM (other), ACM (time) GECCO Workshop 2016
DOI Automatic MPI application transformation with ASPhALT IEEE (quality) IPDPS Conference 2007
DOI Automatic OpenCL Code Generation from LLVM-IR using Polyhedral Optimization ACM (time) HiPEAC Workshop 2018
DOI Automatic OpenCL work-group size selection for multicore CPUs ACM (other) PACT Conference 2013
DOI Automatic parallelization of fine-grained meta-functions on a chip multiprocessor IEEE (time) CGO Conference 2011
DOI Automatic Software Tuning of Parallel Programs for Energy-Aware Executions Scopus (energy) PPAM Conference 2019
DOI Automatic, Template-Based Run-Time Specialization -- Implementation and Experimental Study IEEE (quality), IEEE (time) ICCL Conference 1998
URL A Variable Vector Length SIMD Architecture for HW/SW Co-designed Processors ArXiV (quality) ArXiV Other 2021
DOI Bandit-based optimization on graphs with application to library performance tuning ACM (quality) ICML Conference 2009
DOI Behavior-level observability don't-cares and application to low-power behavioral synthesis ACM (energy) ISLPED Conference 2009
DOI Binary Control-Flow Trimming Scopus (other) CCS Conference 2019
URL Binary Debloating for Security via Demand Driven Loading ArXiV (memory) ArXiV Other 2019
DOI Binary refactoring: Improving code behind the scenes Scopus (other), Scopus (quality) ICSE Conference 2005
DOI Black-Box Optimization of Hadoop Parameters Using Derivative-Free Optimization IEEE (quality) PDP Conference 2016
DOI BlankIt library debloating: Getting what you want instead of cutting what you don't Scopus (other), ACM (other) PLDI Conference 2020
DOI Bloat Factors and Binary Specialization ACM (other), Scopus (other), Manual CCS Workshop 2019
DOI BOLT: A Practical Binary Optimizer for Data Centers and Beyond IEEE (time) CGO Conference 2019
DOI Cache miss equations: a compiler framework for analyzing and tuning memory behavior Google (memory) ACM TPLS Journal 1999
DOI Can traditional programming bridge the Ninja performance gap for parallel computing applications? ACM (quality) ISCA Conference 2012
DOI CARVE: Practical Security-Focused Software Debloating Using Simple Feature Set Mappings ACM (other), Scopus (other) CCS Workshop 2019
DOI Challenges on applying genetic improvement in JavaScript using a high-performance computer Manual JSERD Journal 2018
DOI Cimplifier: Automatically Debloating Containers ACM (other), Scopus (other) ESEC/FSE Conference 2017
DOI Classbox/J: Controlling the scope of change in Java Manual OOPSLA Conference 2005
DOI Cleaning up Erlang code is a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it Scopus (other), Scopus (quality) ERLANG Workshop 2009
DOI Clone detection and elimination for Haskell Scopus (other) PEPM Workshop 2010
DOI COBAYN: Compiler Autotuning Framework Using Bayesian Networks Manual ACM TACO Journal 2016
DOI Code decomposition and recomposition for enhancing embedded software performance ACM (other), ACM (quality), ACM (time) ASP-DAC Conference 2009
DOI Code Generation and Optimization for Transactional Memory Constructs in an Unmanaged Language Google (memory) CGO Conference 2007
DOI Code layout optimizations for transaction processing workloads IEEE (memory), IEEE (quality), IEEE (time) ISCA Conference 2001
DOI CodeMason: Binary-Level Profile-Guided Optimization Manual CCS Workshop 2019
DOI Code Optimization for Code Compression Scopus (other), Scopus (quality) CGO Conference 2003
DOI Code optimizations using formally verified properties ACM (time) OOPSLA Conference 2013
DOI Code refactoring techniques for reducing energy consumption in embedded computing environment Scopus (energy) Cluster Computing Journal 2018
DOI Code Size and Performance Optimization for Mobile JavaScript Just-in-Time Compiler ACM (other), ACM (quality), ACM (time) ASPLOS Workshop 2010
DOI Code size reduction technique and implementation for software-pipelined DSP applications Scopus (other) ACM TECS Journal 2003
DOI Code Specialization through Dynamic Feature Observation ACM (other), Scopus (other) CODASPY Conference 2021
DOI Code Transformation Impact on Compiler-based Optimization -- A Case Study in the CMSSW Manual ICAPM Conference 2021
DOI Code Transformations for Low Power Caching in Embedded Multimedia Processors Scopus (energy), Scopus (other) IPPS/SPDP Conference 1998
DOI Code Transformations to Improve Memory Parallelism Google (memory) MICRO Conference 1999
DOI Combining concern input with program analysis for bloat detection ACM (other), Scopus (other) OOPSLA Conference 2013
DOI Combining Global Code and Data Compaction Scopus (other) PLDI Workshop 2001
DOI Compact and efficient code generation through program restructuringon limited memory embedded DSPs IEEE (memory), IEEE (other), IEEE (quality) IEEE TCAD Journal 2001
DOI Comparative study of the impact of processor architecture on compiler tuning Manual ICACCI Conference 2016
DOI Comparing Genetic Programming Approaches for Non-Functional Genetic Improvement -- Case Study: Improvement of MiniSAT's Running Time Manual EuroGP Conference 2020
DOI Compiler-based optimizations impact on embedded software power consumption Scopus (energy) NEWCAS Workshop 2009
DOI Compiler-Controlled Memory Google (memory) ASPLOS Conference 1998
DOI Compiler Directed Battery-Aware Implementation of Mobile Applications IEEE (energy) ICET Conference 2006
DOI Compiler-Directed Code Restructuring for Operating with Compressed Arrays IEEE (energy), IEEE (memory) VLSID Conference 2007
DOI Compiler-Directed Energy Optimization for Parallel Disk Based Systems IEEE (energy) IEEE TPDS Journal 2007
DOI Compiler-directed selection of dynamic memory layouts IEEE (memory), Scopus (memory) CODES Conference 2001
DOI Compiler extensions towards reliable multicore processors IEEE (memory) AERO Conference 2017
DOI Compiler Optimization of Memory-Resident Value Communication Between Speculative Threads Google (memory) CGO Conference 2004
DOI Compiler Optimization-Space Exploration Google (quality), Google (time) CGO Conference 2003
DOI Compiler Support for Scalable and Efficient Memory Systems Google (memory) IEEE TC Journal 2001
DOI Compiling and Optimizing Java 8 Programs for GPU Execution IEEE (memory), IEEE (quality), IEEE (time) PACT Conference 2015
DOI Compiling for performance and power efficiency IEEE (energy), IEEE (quality) PATMOS Workshop 2013
DOI Compressed Instruction Set Coding (CISC) for Performance Optimization of Hand Held Devices IEEE (memory), IEEE (other) ADCOM Conference 2008
DOI Configuration-Driven Software Debloating ACM (other), Scopus (other) EuroSec Workshop 2019
DOI Context-aware code optimization IEEE (time) IPCCC Conference 2009
DOI CRbS: A Code Reordering Based Speeding-up Method of Irregular Loops on CMP IEEE (time) ASAP Conference 2019
DOI Darwinian data structure selection Manual ESEC/FSE Conference 2018
DOI Data Compression and Re-computation Based Performance Improvement in Multi-Core Architectures IEEE (memory), Scopus (memory) CCWC Conference 2020
DOI Data-layout optimization based on memory-access-pattern analysis for source-code performance improvement ACM (memory), ACM (quality) SCOPES Workshop 2020
DOI Debloating Feature-Rich Closed-Source Windows Software IEEE24 (quality) SANER Conference 2024
DOI DeepCAT: A Cost-Efficient Online Configuration Auto-Tuning Approach for Big Data Frameworks ACM24 (quality), ACM24 (time) ICPP Conference 2022
DOI Deep Parameter Optimisation on Android Smartphones for Energy Minimisation -- A Tale of Woe and a Proof-of-Concept Manual GECCO Conference 2015
DOI Design and Performance Improvement of a Real-World, Object-Oriented C++ Solver with STL Scopus (quality) ISCOPE Conference 1997
DOI Design of the CodeBoost Transformation System for Domain-Specific Optimisation of C++ Programs Scopus (quality) SCAM Workshop 2003
PDF Detection and Correction of Android-specific Code Smells and Energy Bugs -- An Android Lint Extension Scopus (energy), Scopus (quality) APSEC Workshop 2020
DOI Development of an optimizing compiler for a Fujitsu fixed-point digital signal processor IEEE (other), Scopus (memory), Scopus (other) CODES Workshop 1999
DOI Distributed memory code generation for mixed Irregular/Regular computations ACM (memory) PPoPP Conference 2015
DOI Do Energy-Oriented Changes Hinder Maintainability? Scopus (energy) ICSME Conference 2019
DOI Does lean imply green? -- A study of the power performance implications of Java runtime bloat Scopus (other) SIGMETRICS Conference 2012
DOI Does the Introduction of Lambda Expressions Improve the Comprehension of Java Programs? Manual SBES Conference 2019
DOI Dominance-based duplication simulation (DBDS) -- Code duplication to enable compiler optimizations ACM (other) CGO Conference 2018
DOI Dymaxion: Optimizing memory access patterns for heterogeneous systems Google (memory) SC Conference 2011
DOI Easy PRAM-Based High-Performance Parallel Programming with ICE IEEE (other) IEEE TPDS Journal 2018
DOI Effective Program Debloating via Reinforcement Learning ACM (other), Scopus (other), Manual CSS Conference 2018
DOI Effects of loop unrolling and use of instruction buffer on processor energy consumption Manual SoC Conference 2011
DOI Effects of Refactoring upon Efficiency of an NP-Hard Task Assignment Problem -- A case study Manual ICACS Conference 2020
DOI Effects of source-code optimizations on GPU performance and energy consumption ACM (energy), ACM (quality), Scopus (energy), Manual PPOPP Workshop 2015
DOI Efficient Auto-Tuning of Parallel Programs with Interdependent Tuning Parameters via Auto-Tuning Framework (ATF) Manual, ACM24 (memory), ACM24 (quality), ACM24 (time), Google24 (memory), Scopus24 (memory), Scopus24 (other) ACM TACO Journal 2021
DOI Efficient Compiler Autotuning via Bayesian Optimization Manual ICSE Conference 2021
URL Efficient hyperparameter optimization by way of PAC-Bayes bound minimization ArXiV (other) ArXiV Other 2020
DOI Efficient Implementation of ADPCM Codec IEEE (other), IEEE (quality), IEEE (time) VLSID Conference 2000
DOI Efficiently Trimming the Fat -- Streamlining Software Dependencies with Java Reflection and Dependency Analysis IEEE24 (other) ICSE Conference 2024
DOI EFTuner: A Bi-Objective Configuration Parameter Auto-Tuning Method Towards Energy-Efficient Big Data Processing ACM24 (energy), ACM24 (other), ACM24 (quality) InternetWare Conference 2023
DOI Embedding Adaptivity in Software Systems using the ECSELR framework Manual GECCO Workshop 2015
DOI Empirical Comparison of Search Heuristics for Genetic Improvement of Software IEEE (energy), IEEE (quality), IEEE (time), Manual IEEE TEVC Journal 2021
URL Enabling multi-threaded applications on hybrid shared memory manycore architectures ACM (memory) DATE Conference 2015
DOI enDebug: A hardware-software framework for automated energy debugging Scopus (energy), Scopus (other), Scopus (quality) JPDC Journal 2016
DOI Energy Efficiency Analysis of Code Refactoring Techniques for Green and Sustainable Software in Portable Devices Scopus24 (energy), Scopus24 (quality), Scopus24 (time) Electronics Journal 2022
DOI Energy-optimizing source code transformations for operating system-driven embedded software Scopus (energy) ACM TECS Journal 2007
DOI Energy-Optimizing Source Code Transformations for OS-driven Embedded Software IEEE (energy), IEEE (quality), Scopus (energy) ICVD Conference 2004
DOI Enhanced Compression Techniques to Simplify Program Decompression and Execution Scopus (other) ICCD Conference 1997
DOI Enhancement in ARM Code Optimization for Memory Constrained Embedded Systems Scopus (memory) ADCOM Conference 2006
DOI Enhancing Genetic Improvement of Software with Regression Test Selection IEEE (other), IEEE (time), Manual ICSE Conference 2021
DOI ETune: Efficient configuration tuning for big-data software systems via configuration space reduction Scopus24 (other) JSS Journal 2024
DOI Evaluating the Impact of Code Smell Refactoring on the Energy Consumption of Android Applications Scopus (energy) SEAA Conference 2019
DOI Evaluating the impact of memory system performance on software prefetching and locality optimizations Scopus (memory) ICS Conference 2001
DOI Evaluating the WaterRpg software watermarking model on Java application programs ACM (other), ACM (quality), ACM (time) PCI Conference 2013
DOI Evaluation and optimization of Java object ordering schemes IEEE (memory) ICEEI Conference 2011
DOI Evolutionary Improvement of Programs IEEE (other), Manual IEEE TEVC Journal 2011
DOI Evolutionary optimization of compiler flag selection by learning and exploiting flags interactions Manual GECCO Workshop 2016
DOI Evolutionary programming to optimize an assembly program Manual CEC Conference 2002
DOI Evolving a CUDA kernel from an nVidia template Manual CEC Conference 2010
DOI Evolving JavaScript Code to Reduce Load Time IEEE (other), Scopus (other) IEEE TSE Journal 2019
DOI Evolving sqrt into 1/x via software data maintenance Manual GECCO Conference 2020
DOI Examining Energy Efficiency of Vectorization Techniques Using a Gaussian Elimination Scopus (energy) HPCS Conference 2018
DOI Exana: An execution-driven application analysis tool for assisting productive performance tuning ACM (quality), Scopus (memory), Scopus (quality) SPLASH Workshop 2015
DOI Execution profile driven speedup estimation for porting sequential code to GPU Manual COMPUTE Conference 2014
DOI Exploiting distributed and shared memory hierarchies with Hitmap IEEE (memory) HPCS Conference 2014
DOI Exploiting function similarity for code size reduction ACM (other) LCTES Conference 2014
DOI Exploiting GPU Hardware Saturation for Fast Compiler Optimization Manual ASPLOS Workshop 2014
DOI Exploiting slicing and patterns for RTSJ immortal memory optimization Manual PPPJ Conference 2013
DOI Exploring Compiler Optimizations for Enhancing Power Gating IEEE (energy), IEEE (other) ISCAS Conference 2009
URL Exploring Memory Persistency Models for GPUs ArXiV (memory) ArXiV Other 2019
DOI Exploring the Impact of Clone Refactoring on Test Code Size in Object-Oriented Software IEEE (other) ICMLA Conference 2017
DOI Exploring the space of optimization sequences for code-size reduction -- Insights and tools ACM (other) CC Conference 2021
DOI Exposing Hidden Performance Opportunities in High Performance GPU Applications ACM (quality) CCGrid Conference 2018
DOI Extended Memory Reuse: An Optimisation for Reducing Memory Allocations ACM (memory) IFL Conference 2018
DOI Extracting client-side web application code ACM (other), ACM (quality), ACM (time) WWW Conference 2012
DOI Facilitating Database Tuning with Hyper-Parameter Optimization -- A Comprehensive Experimental Evaluation ACM24 (quality) VLDBE Journal 2022
DOI Fast and Effective Orchestration of Compiler Optimizations for Automatic Performance Tuning Google (quality) CGO Conference 2006
DOI FBT: Filled buffer technique to reduce code size for VLIW processors ACM (other) ICCAD Conference 2008
DOI FlexFloat: A Software Library for Transprecision Computing IEEE (energy), IEEE (quality) IEEE TCAD Journal 2020
DOI Function inlining under code size constraints for embedded processors Scopus (other) ICCAD Conference 1999
DOI Generating efficient data movement code for heterogeneous architectures with distributed-memory ACM (memory) PACT Conference 2013
DOI Genetic improvement of data gives binary logarithm from sqrt Manual GECCO Conference 2019
DOI Genetic Improvement of Data gives double precision invsqrt Manual GECCO Workshop 2019
DOI Genetic Improvement of GPU Code ACM (other), ACM (time), Manual ICSE Workshop 2019
DOI Genetic improvement of GPU software Manual GPEM Journal 2017
DOI Genetic Improvement of Last Level Cache Scopus24 (other) SSBSE Conference 2024
DOI Genetic Improvement of Runtime and its fitness landscape in a Bioinformatics Application ACM (time), Manual GECCO Workshop 2017
DOI Genetic Programming: From design to improved implementation Manual GECCO Workshop 2016
DOI GEVO: GPU Code Optimization Using Evolutionary Computation Manual ACM TACO Journal 2020
DOI GPU Auto-tuning Framework for Optimal Performance and Power Consumption ACM24 (energy), Scopus24 (energy), Scopus24 (other) GPGPU Workshop 2023
DOI GPU-FPtuner: Mixed-precision Auto-tuning for Floating-point Applications on GPU IEEE (quality) HiPC Conference 2020
DOI Green Mining for Android Based Applications Using Refactoring Approach Scopus24 (energy) ICRITO Conference 2021
DOI Green software: Refactoring approach Scopus (energy), Google24 (energy), Scopus24 (energy), Scopus24 (other), Scopus24 (quality) JKSUCI Journal 2020
DOI Grover: Looking for Performance Improvement by Disabling Local Memory Usage in OpenCL Kernels Manual ICPP Conference 2014
DOI Grow and Graft a better CUDA pknotsRG for RNA pseudoknot free energy calculation Manual GECCO Workshop 2015
DOI Hardware-Aware Automatic Code-Transformation to Support Compilers in Exploiting the Multi-Level Parallel Potential of Modern CPUs ACM (other) CGO Workshop 2015
DOI Highly Optimized Code Generation for Stencil Codes with Computation Reuse for GPUs Scopus (quality) JCST Journal 2016
DOI High-performance code generation for stencil computations on GPU architectures ACM (quality) ICS Conference 2012
DOI High Performance I/O Manual PDP Conference 2011
DOI High performance stencil code generation with lift ACM (quality) CGO Conference 2018
DOI How do code refactorings affect energy usage? ACM (energy), Manual ESEM Conference 2014
DOI Identifying and (automatically) remedying performance problems in CPU/GPU applications ACM (quality) ICS Conference 2020
DOI Immediate optimization for compressed transport triggered architecture instructions Scopus (memory), Scopus (other) ISSOC Conference 2003
DOI Impact of GCC optimization levels in energy consumption during C/C++ program execution IEEE (energy) ISCI Conference 2015
DOI Implementing Quicksort Programs Manual CACM Journal 1978
URL Improved Parallelization of Legacy Embedded Software on Soft-Core MPSoCs through Automatic Loop Transformations Scopus (memory) FPL Workshop 2018
DOI Improve the Performance of Mobile Applications Based on Code Optimization Techniques Using PMD and Android Lint Scopus (energy), Scopus (quality) IUKM Conference 2016
DOI Improving 3D medical image registration CUDA software with genetic programming Manual GECCO Conference 2014
DOI Improving Code Density Using Compression Techniques Google (other) MICRO Conference 1997
DOI Improving CUDA DNA Analysis Software with Genetic Programming Manual GECCO Conference 2015
DOI Improving energy-efficiency by recommending Java collections Google24 (energy) ESE Journal 2021
DOI Improving Readability of Scratch Programs with Search-based Refactoring IEEE24 (other) SCAM Conference 2021
DOI Improving SSE Parallel Code with Grow and Graft Genetic Programming ACM (time), Manual GECCO Workshop 2017
DOI Improving the Cache Locality of Memory Allocation Google (memory) PLDI Conference 1993
DOI Improving the Ratio of Memory Operations to Floating-Point Operations in Loops Google (memory) ACM TPLS Journal 1994
DOI Industry practice of configuration auto-tuning for cloud applications and services ACM24 (other), ACM24 (time), Scopus24 (other) FSE Conference 2022
DOI Inheritance versus Delegation: which is more energy efficient? Scopus (energy) ICSE Workshop 2020
DOI Injecting Shortcuts for Faster Running Java Code Manual CEC Conference 2020
DOI Instruction Set Encoding Optimization for Code Size Reduction Scopus (other) ICSAMOS Conference 2007
DOI Inter-loop optimization in RAJA using loop chains Manual ICS Conference 2021
DOI Interprocedural strength reduction of critical sections in explicitly-parallel programs IEEE (memory) PACT Conference 2013
DOI Interrelations between Software Quality Metrics, Performance and Energy Consumption in Embedded Applications Scopus (energy), Scopus (quality) SCOPES Workshop 2018
DOI Investigating the energy impact of Android smells IEEE (energy), Scopus (energy) SANER Conference 2017
PDF Investigation for Software Power Consumption of Code Refactoring Techniques Scopus (energy) SEKE Conference 2014
DOI In-vivo and offline optimisation of energy use in the presence of small energy signals -- A case study on a popular Android library Manual MobiQuitus Conference 2018
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